Barry: “RE: Concerned In Steelport”

This guide will cover the Barry “RE: Concerned In Steelport” assassination target, given to the player by the contact Concerned Citizen, within the video game Saints Row: The Third, covering everything you need to know to complete this hit.

  • Target: Barry
  • Contact: Concerned Citizen
  • Subject: RE: Concerned In Steelport
  • Location: Loren Square
  • Cash: $3,000
  • Respect: 450

Message: “I hear you’ve been doing Rasputin’s dirty work (his real name’s Barry by the way), and that he tried to have you eliminated. I don’t think I approve of that. Now he’s on the run. He’s on his roof downtown waiting for his helicopter. It’d be best if you were the one to pick him up…”

Concerned In Steelport

Your first portion of this task in eliminating your current target Barry is to retrieve a helicopter for this activity. It doesn’t matter which helicopter you decide to use, and both can be found at Wesley Cutter International Airport on the northwest corner of the district, just a bit southwest from the Heliassault activity marker there. Pick one you like and fly on over to Loren Square where your marker will be pointing towards.

Eventually, you will have to land on the rooftop the marker is over, where you will find your target along with a bodyguard waiting at the edge of the helipad. Unless you feel like being fancy, just land the helicopter on the pad, step out with your weapon of choice, and lay into him. Picking something explosive to knock him off the edge, or running up to him and grabbing one of his bodyguards before throwing the guard into Barry to knock him off are both opportunities ripe with amusement. You cannot grab Barry himself as a shield to throw, so work on your person-hurling aim. As seen in the video above, he may not die from the fall, so be prepared to jump down after him.

Video Guide

Last Updated on October 4, 2020 by Standard of Entertainment