Cash Flow For Capsuleers (8 of 10)

EVE Online - Military Career Arc: Cash Flow for Capsuleers (8 of 10)
Cash Flow For Capsuleers (8 of 10)


“Fly to the hotel your agent mentioned, and retrieve the VIPs. If something is amiss, then report to your agent with the details.”

Enemies (Caldari)

  • Hazard: Hotel deals 400 damage when approached.
  • Group 1: Pithi Wrecker x 2, Pithi Plunderer x 1
    Spawns upon approaching the hotel.

Total Bounty: 23,250 Isk


In the eighth part of the Military Career arc of EVE Online, you will be reintroduced to one of the previous mission mechanics with a new twist: the concept of hazards and traps in missions. Before you launch for this mission, make sure you have that armor repairer from the previous mission, since it will be more necessary here.

Back in the fourth mission, you dealt with the stargate that released the toxic clouds that dealt damage over time. In this case, the hotel you have to approach for the objective of this mission has a smartbomb attached to it that deals 400 damage in one heavy burst when you get close enough to complete the objective. Since you cannot complete the mission without approaching the hotel, there is no real way to avoid this.

Another difference from the last time you ran into a trap is that enemies will spawn afterwards, attempting to take advantage of your weakened state. You can optionally warp out if you would like and just turn in the mission without fighting them, dock and recharge before coming back for vengeance, or optionally sticking through to duke it out regardless (where the armor repairer can come in handy). This mission is probably the most likely so far to lead to a loss of your ship if you’re unprepared.

Once you eliminate the one group that spawns, there is nothing left for you here. Once the mission is turned in and rewards claimed, the Overdrive Injectors can be fitted to your ship to help boost its base speed, making you faster and harder to hit even before activating afterburners.


  • + 0.2355 % corporation standing
  • 1 x Weapon Upgrades (skill book, granted)
  • 2 x Overdrive Injector System I
  • 120,000 Iskbonus (2 hours, 8 mins)

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (8 of 10)
Video Guide (HD)

This video was recorded in Ultra HD 60fps settings.
Make sure to set the resolution to max for the best visuals!

Last Updated on October 4, 2020 by Standard of Entertainment