Conversation Dialogue Guide
This lore and character dialogue guide will cover Adria in Diablo 3, providing background information and a listing of his dialogue options that are available throughout the game, with information on when they can be heard for the Bewitched achievement.
The purpose of this guide is to cover plot event’s and other important information. If you don’t want to learn something you may not already know, go beat the game first and come back later.
Note: Sometimes a dialogue option remains hidden until you have opened another one that is available. Also, sometimes they eventually go away later in the game. Finally, although some converstaions may be unlocked earlier, this guide focuses on the earliest points you can most easily backtrack to in order to grab the convos.
Also, the character’s replies are done from the point of the Witch Doctor, others may be added in the future for completionism, but they will all be along the same lines. Requests are open if this is something you are interested in, just leave a comment below and I’ll work on getting your requested character type’s put in.
About Adria:
Adria is the estranged mother of Leah in Diablo 3, thought to be deceased for years through most of the first act until it eventually turns out she has been alive all this time and recently captured. Eventually rescued by the player in Act II, she goes on to reveal that her history has been a troubled one of trying to fight the Lords of Hell, avoiding contact with Leah for fear it would only endager her. Although initally seeming an ally in the fight against evil, things eventually get more complicated as her true intentions are brought forth.
Available Dialogues in Diablo 3
- Adria and Cain
- The Mad Wizard
- Tyrael’s Warning
- The Price of Victory
- Leah’s Birth
- Motives
- Adria’s Capture
- Your Daughter
- Belial and the Soulstone
- Magic
- Adria’s Quest
- Ensnaring Belial
- Azmodan
- Suffering
- The War’s End
🗄️ **Archived** 🗄️
Adria and Cain
Available at the start of the quest: Betrayer of the Horadrim (Act II)
How well did you know Cain?Adria:
For a time, during the Darkening of Tristram, we spent many nights in the Tavern of the Rising Sun,m discussing his Horadric texts and the varied arcana I’d collected during my travels.Player:
Did you ever meet him again?Adria:
Only from afar. From time to time, our paths would cross, and I would catch glimpses of Leah as she gre. It broke my heart that I could not reveal myself and raise her as my own.
The Mad Wizard
Available at the start of the quest: Betrayer of the Horadrim (Act II)
Unlocks Tyrael’s Warning
Zoltun Kulle. A legend. There is no doubt in my mind he is as powerful as the stories say. But for every bit of his genius, he was surely mad. He was obsessed with immortality and power.Tyrael:
A madman. We would do better to leave him asleep in the desert than call on him for aid.Adria:
You have a better idea?Tyrael:
I do not. It is merely a warning.
Tyrael’s Warning
Available at the start of the quest: Betrayer of the Horadrim (Act II)
Unlocked by The Mad Wizard
Tyrael said not to trust Zoltun Kulle. What do you think?Adria:
It will be dangerous, but you have faced great peril before. If Belial and Azmodan invade, you will have much more to worry about than a dismembered wizard.
The Price of Victory
Available at the start of the quest: Betrayer of the Horadrim (Act II)
Know this: I have given everything, even my own blood-my own daughter-so that I could hunt Belial and Azmodan. Do not question my dedication. I have given more than any, and I will give more before the end comes.
Leah’s Birth
Available at the start of the quest: Betrayer of the Horadrim (Act II)
Was it difficult to abandon Leah?Adria:
What?! No, I never saw it that way. She grew up in safety while I risked my life to find the key to our salvation. It was the sacrifice that I had to make.In any case, Leah will meet her full potential under my guidance. Do you not have things to do?
Available at the start of the quest: Betrayer of the Horadrim (Act II)
After surviving the devastation of Tristram all those years ago, I swore vengeance upon Diablo and his ilk. I’ve sacrificed everything for it.This is my path and I will follow it through to its bloody end.
Adria’s Capture
Available at the start of the quest: Betrayer of the Horadrim (Act II)
How did the Imperial Guard find you?Adria:
I was trying to steal out of the city.I’d returned to gather some things before setting out to recover Zoltun Kulle’s head, and the guards found me.
Your Daughter
Available at the start of the quest: Blood and Sand (Act II)
Leah has great faith in you.Adria:
She has a kind heart.Player:
Is that not good?Adria:
Kindness will not help us survive in these dark times.
Belial and the Soulstone
Available at the start of the quest: Blood and Sand (Act II)
The lord of lies is cunning. He wears many masks to hide his shifting nature from us.But we will have an advantage over him-the Black Soulstone. Belial fears its power, for soulstones have bested his siblings in the past and he could be imprisoned as well.
Available before the start of the quest: The Scouring of Caldeum (Act II)
*Jump to this quest but talk to Adria before actually starting it from Leah.
Leah is growing into her own.Adria:
The power was always within her. Now she’s learning to control it.Player:
Did she get her power from you?Adria:
I do not know where her power comes from. I spent a lifetime studying the ways of magic. It did not come easily to me.
Adria’s Quest
Available before the start of the quest: The Scouring of Caldeum (Act II)
*Jump to this quest but talk to Adria before actually starting it from Leah.
While I was in Tristrsam, Deckard Cain told me of a black soulstone crafted by a renegade Horadrim. I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but later, realized its true significance.I knew the essences of the five slain Lords of Hell still existed in our world, so I spent the last twenty years locating and preparing them to be drawn into the stone when it was finished.
Kulle was interrupted during his first attempt. Now that the soulstone is finally complete, the Lords of Hell have been trapped within it.
Ensnaring Belial
Available before the start of the quest: The Scouring of Caldeum (Act II)
*Jump to this quest but talk to Adria before actually starting it from Leah.
Controlling the Black Soulstone will be perilous.Player:
But you can do it?Adria:
It won’t be me who will use it. Only Leah, under my guidance, can wield it.Her power is far greater than mine, and will ensure its success.
Available at the start of the quest: The Siege of Bastion’s Keep (Act III)
*Everything else so far disappears in Act III.
The end of Azmodan will come to pass, and the Black Soulstone will be his prison. His great evil will be banished from this world.Adria:
Only fools celebrate victory before the battle’s has begun.Along with Belial, Azmodan has ruled the ravening hordes of the Burning Hells for over three centuries. His cunning is beyond imagining.
The voices of the Unformed Land seek his death. I will give it to them.
The War’s End
Available at the start of the quest: Machines of War (Act III)
Azmodan becomes weak. We will son defeat him. What will you do then?Adria:
The war will never end for me. Even if we defeat all evil forever, I will carry the scars of this nightmare till the end of my days.Player:
Some scars so not heal, but what of Leah? She may not be bound to our fate.Adria:
I wish Leah could have the life I never had. But in truth, I fear she’ll be damned as well.Player:
Leah is stronger than you know, She may yet come to know a life without the memory of these nightmares.
Last Updated on October 4, 2020 by Standard of Entertainment