The Swap (1 of 10)

EVE Online - Advanced Military Career Arc 01: The Swap
The Swap


“Clear the area of any hostile vessels.”

Enemies (Caldari)

  • Room 1:
    Entered via unguarded acceleration gate.
    • Group 1: Pithi Arrogator x 1 (3k)
      Destroying this spawns group 2
    • Group 2: Pithi Arrogator x 2 (6k)
      Destroying these spawns group 3
    • Group 3: Pithi Arrogator x 3 (9k)

Total Bounty: 18,000 Isk


The first mission of the Advanced Military career arc starts you back off with the basics, fighting a few waves of piddly pirate ships. Any basic tech 1 fitting of a combat-oriented frigate will do well here and for most of this arc, with a few special exceptions.

You can also just continue to use whichever ship you had fitted for the previous chain, since the combat in this and the following missions is actually much lighter than what you faced in Cash Flow for Capsuleers. These missions tend to take the route of introducing special tactics not normally covered in agent missions that help guide players to the much more complicated battles that take place against other capsuleers as opposed to much less deadly AI-operated ships, making an exception for sleepers.

Warping to the mission encounter will first take you to an acceleration gate, which in turn leads to a singular room with a moderately sized nebulae and some asteroids. There will be a single pirate ship of the very weak variety, Pithi Arrogators for Caldari. Take out the lone pirate to spawn a group of two of the same ship, then again to spawn a group of 3. Eliminating them causes the mission objective to complete.


  • + 0.2963 % corporation standing
  • 1 x Propulsion Jamming (skill book)
  • 64,000 Isk bonus (2 hours, 42 minutes)

The Swap (1 of 10)
Video Guide

Last Updated on October 4, 2020 by Standard of Entertainment