Cash Flow for Capsuleers (1 of 10)

EVE Online - Military Career Arc: Cash Flow for Capsuleers (1 of 10)
Cash Flow for Capsuleers (1 of 10)


  • Kill the enemies at the target location.

“Clear the pirates from the asteroid belt, as your agent has requested on behalf of a group of miners.”

Enemies: (Caldari)

  • Group 1: x 2 Pithi Arrogator
    1st ship killed triggers group 2
  • Group 2: x 2 Pithi Arrogator

Total Bounty: 12,000 Isk


The first mission in the Military Career arc of EVE Online starts out with a slow introduction to combat missions, giving you a simple task of killing the targets that are at the provided location. This mission can easily be done in a rookie ship with the civilian weapons they come with; however, you might buy a couple legit weapons and ammo from the marketplace, preferably some cheap tech 1 base variants since you won’t need much.

Upon warping to your mission location, you will arrive amidst a large pair of asteroids that have some structures built around and between them. You will also find a pair of weak pirate ships—in the case of the Caldari side (which this guide is written for), a pair of Pithi Arrogators. Other factions’ versions of the mission will have slight variations, such as different pirate types, but will mostly be the same.

Close range with the enemy nearest to you and open fire once they are within your weapon’s effective distance, which can be seen by mousing over its icon in the bottom right of your screen. Killing this first ship spawns a second, final pair of the same type of ships. Once these four enemies are taken care of, this relatively simple mission is complete.


+0.2696 % corporation standing


  • 1 x Dual Light Beam Laser I
  • 3 x Multifrequency S

Caldari & Gallente

  • 1 x 75mm Gatling Rail I
  • 2,000 x Antimatter Charge S (bonus—5 hours)


  • 1 x 125mm Gatling Autocannon I
  • 2,000 x EMP S


  • Veldspar x 672,923 (67,292.3m3)
  • Dense Veldspar x 90,000 (9,000m3)

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (1 of 10)
Video Guide (HD)

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Make sure to set the resolution to max for the best visuals!

Last Updated on October 4, 2020 by Standard of Entertainment