Cash Flow for Capsuleers (6 of 10)

EVE Online - Military Career Arc: Cash Flow for Capsuleers (6 of 10)
Cash Flow For Capsuleers (6 of 10)


“Destroy Tahamar’s Outpost. You will find it in the final room of the complex.”

Enemies (Caldari)

  • Room 1:
    • Group 1: Pithi Imputor x 3
      Spawns group 3 when destroyed
    • Group 2: Pithi Arrogator x 1
      Spawns group 4
    • Group 3: Pithi Arrogator x 5
    • Group 4: Pithi Arrogator x 3
  • Room 2:
    Groups 1 & 2 spawn upon attacking the outpost.
    • Group 1: Tahamar’s Defense Sentry x 2
    • Group 2: Pithi Arrogator x 2

Total Bounty: 84,250 Isk


By this point in the career arc, you should be well set up for these general combat missions that are no different from the previous ones, just progressively more advanced and with more enemies. In the case of mission 6 of Cash Flow for Capsuleers, there will be a couple rooms separated by acceleration gates.

After passing through the entry acceleration gate that takes you into the first room of the mission, you will be taken to an area of space where you are in the middle of a box-like structure formed by many smaller buildings. You can engage enemies here at will without much fear of reprise considering this room’s weak nature, but they all have to be cleared before proceeding through the next gate. Groups 1 & 2 as listed above start spawned in this room and aggro you as you enter.

The next room is the final one for this mission, and it contains Tahamar’s Outpost, which is your objective here. It can be destroyed pretty easily; however, it will spawn a pair of weak pirate ships and a pair of significantly more dangerous sentry turrets.

These turrets should be your primary target as soon as they spawn. Make sure to have all your weapons focus fire on one at a time as they can not only do some serious damage to you, but also can take a bit of a beating before popping themselves. If you have your afterburner equipped, now would be an excellent time to activate it and pull into a close orbit around the turrets to give them a harder time tracking you. Once those turrets are dealt with, the 2 pirate ships should be easily plowed, leaving this mission completed.

On a final note, the computer may give you a warning about leaving alone the contraband that can potentially drop out of the outpost. In most cases, I have not found anything illegal from the drops here myself, but even if there is, you can easily loot it, then dock with a station within the solar system by warping to 0 and docking quickly to avoid any ramifications. In general, the difficulty and chances of getting caught with them occurs at stargates, where the empire ships routinely scan you and will fine your character if such items are found. So just don’t try to move them between systems until you’ve taken the time to learn more about proper smuggling.


  • + 0.2837 % corporation standing
  • 1 x Limited Ocular Filter
  • 151,000 Isk bonus (2 hours, 34 mins)

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (6 of 10)
Video Guide (HD)

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Make sure to set the resolution to max for the best visuals!

Last Updated on October 4, 2020 by Standard of Entertainment