Glass Armor Crafting Guide

Glass Armor Set - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Wearing the Glass Armor set in “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.”

This crafting guide will cover the Glass Armor set that can be made by utilizing the Smithing skill tree in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. In this guide, you will find a list of all five pieces of light armor, along with details about the items such as form id’s for using console commands, ingredient lists, and even profit margins to find out how many septums you can earn in the process of transforming the base ores into full pieces of armor.

Glass Armor is the second most protective form of light armor available to players through crafting in Skyrim, second only to Dragonscale. Due to the rarity of its ores versus Dragons to fight in the game, it can be harder to find the materials needed, Refined Moonstone and Refined Malachite, however there are certain specific locations you can travel to for significant supplies (working on a guide for that). Glass Weapons which are covered separately, are however the strongest in the light armor crafting groups of weapons. You should still try to progress to Daedric Weapons however even if not wanting to use the heavy armor since their power is unmatched in their own right.

*All Glass pieces require a single bar of Refined Malachite to upgrade in quality with the use of a Workbench.

Glass Armor

Glass Chest Armor - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Glass Chest Armor

Chest Piece Light Armor

The Glass Armor consist of sheets of both Moonstone and Malachite layered over what seems to be a chain mail shirt with bronzed leather straps circling the upper arms. The golden Moonstone portions make up the central areas with detailed patterns over the abdominal section while the glass Malachite makes up the edges of the shoulder pads and several inlays on the chest portion.

Armor Stats

  • Weight: 7
  • Gold Value: 900
  • Gold per pound: 128.57
  • Base Armor Rating: 38
  • Form ID: 00013939

Glass Armor Ingredients List:

  • Refined Malachite x4
  • Refined Moonstone x2
  • Leather Strips x3
  • Leather x1

Value of Crafting Materials: 569 Gold
Profit Margin: +331 Gold (+58%)

Glass Boots

Glass Boots - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Glass Boots

Foot Piece Light Armor

Moonstone makes up the core of the least profitable item of the set, the Glass Boots. These items contribute to the overall shine and decoration of the set with malachite feathers reminiscent of Hermes’ shoes (the Greek god) which is apt considering the light armor allows you to run faster.

Armor Stats

  • Weight: 2
  • Gold Value: 190
  • Gold per pound: 95
  • Base Armor Rating: 11
  • Form ID: 00013938

Glass Boots Ingredients List:

  • Refined Malachite x2
  • Refined Moonstone x1
  • Leather Strips x2
  • Leather x1

Value of Crafting Materials: 291 Gold
Profit Margin: -101 Gold (-35%)

Glass Gauntlets

Glass Gauntlets - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Glass Gauntlets

Hand Piece Light Armor

The Glass Gauntlets are made as one sheath of Moonstone that covers the forearms from damage while including a sliver of Malachite sandwiched between a slit on the top side. Leather gloves protect the hands themselves, with the transition to the harder armored portion occurring just bellow the knuckles. It would seem the sliver serves to either help reflect light into your attacker’s eyes or allow a failed punch to their dome to leave a nasty cut nonetheless were it to brush against them. In reality, it just adds to the decoration.

Armor Stats

  • Weight: 2
  • Gold Value: 190
  • Gold per pound: 95
  • Base Armor Rating: 11
  • Form ID: 0001393a

Glass Gauntlets Ingredients List:

  • Refined Malachite x1
  • Refined Moonstone x1
  • Leather Strips x2
  • Leather x1

Value of Crafting Materials: 191 Gold
Profit Margin: -1 Gold (-0.5%)

Glass Helmet

Glass Helmet - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Glass Helmet

Head Piece Light Armor

If Optimus Prime were an elf, he would probably wear one of these. The Glass Helmet has a close resemblance, at least in my opinion, the Autobot’s leader’s head, albeit with sleeker and more curved edges. The second most profitable armor piece to craft while also looking pretty sweet when it hides the face from sunlight, giving your character a fancily menacing look.

Armor Stats

  • Weight: 2
  • Gold Value: 450
  • Gold per pound: 225
  • Base Armor Rating: 16
  • Form ID: 0001393b

Glass Helmet Ingredients List:

  • Refined Malachite x2
  • Refined Moonstone x1
  • Leather Strips x1
  • Leather x1

Value of Crafting Materials: 288 Gold
Profit Margin: +162 Gold (+56%)

Glass Shield

Glass Shield - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Glass Shield

Light Armor Shield

The Glass Shield is definitely the best looking piece of this whole set in my opinion. Primarily made of Malachite with a large patterned Moonstone inlay that seems to serve mostly to hold the glass portions together. Seriously worth taking an ogle at around noon when the sun hits it right. If it were polished a bit more it would probably be reflective enough to fry enemies with a concentrated sun-beam. Time for me to learn some Skyrim modding…

Armor Stats

  • Weight: 6
  • Gold Value: 450
  • Gold per pound: 75
  • Base Armor Rating: 16
  • Form ID: 0001393c

Glass Helmet Ingredients List:

  • Refined Malachite x4
  • Refined Moonstone x1
  • Leather Strips x2

Value of Crafting Materials: 481 Gold
Profit Margin: -31 Gold (-6%)

Last Updated on October 4, 2020 by Standard of Entertainment