Another new announcement today. The Steel Storm Guide site has been given a thorough cleaning and maintenance pass. Everything has been fixed, a lot of formatting has been cleaned up and the Breadcrumb navigation links have been re-enabled.
This checks off another major box as far as site maintenance/rework goes, getting everything current and working right as we keep making the next big steps to grow.
One other point of note, a lot of images were broken around the site, which caused even more extreme wonkieness in some cases the past few weeks. This was due to a misbehaving plugin that was supposed to help transition the site over to using HTTPS. (This was done a few weeks ago) There is still some fixes to be made, namely with regards to the images having non-secure embed links that may throw certificate warnings on the SupCom and Darwinia guide sites until those have been fixed as well.
Last Updated on March 12, 2019 by Standard of Entertainment